Akram Ben Romdhane

Carte Blanche to Akram Ben Romdhane

Soul fragments, an inner journey from Tunis to Brussels






Espace Saint-Mengold


Akram Ben Romdhane is an oud player, classical and oriental violinist, composer and improviser. In this new musical creation, he explores the different aspects, morsels and fragments of his soul. He probes his own identity, weaving together the rich sounds of traditional Tunisian and folklore music with the complex nuances of classical and contemporary music.

The various pieces will reveal his personal story: memories of his childhood in Tunis, his studies in Paris, his life as a musician in Brussels. His music will also be a sound story of his inner journey, his internal struggles, his moments of dazzling happiness and his periods of profound doubt.

Music as a mirror of the soul, as a vehicle to ecstasy, as a way to connect to one’s subjectivity, to one’s deepest and hidden self: these are questions that are both infinitely intimate and highly universal.


Each year, a carte blanche is offered to an artist from the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles. This artist sets up a new musical creation with the artistic team of his or her choice. This year’s carte blanche is supported by Playright+, Sabam for Culture, le Senghor and la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.


Espace Saint-Mengold
Place Verte
4500 Huy


Akram Ben Romdhane : oud
Simon Groppe : piano
Jim Monneau : bass
Lucas Vanderputten : drums
Jenifer Pio : violon
Sarah Sabbahi : violon 
Hélène Koerver : alto
Stann Duguet : cello
Théo Zipper : sound manipulation


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